401k Match: American Retirement Planning & Accepting ‘Free Money’

Active Adult Living

**Updated May 2018, St. Andrew’s now provides a 30% match on your 401K contributions, up to a total of 6% of your yearly contributions

What We Offer:


In 2017, St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors System began offering 401(k) Employer Match, which gives our team the ability quickly grow their saving account. Essentially, the money our staff pledges to their account, the more St. Andrew’s contributes. (View Our Benefits)

Our (Financially Responsible) Mission:

Planning ahead financially is at the heart of our non-profit mission — St. Andrew’s A Place To Call Home program benefits older adults who outlive their means, and need financial assistance to remain in their homes. We know the importance of putting away funds for the future.

Why This Matters:

When workers choose not to take advantage of an employer’s 401(k) match, they’re in actuality rejecting ‘free money.’ Yesterday, MSN Money reported that, according to the Economic Policy Institute, the typical American has fewer than $5,000 put away for retirement savings. Follow the link below to view the helpful video:

The No. 1 mistake Americans make when saving for retirement

Like many Americans, you could be making this retirement mistake, which means you’re missing out on free money, says CFP Eric Roberge.