St. Andrew’s Blog

  • Osteoporosis Symptoms — What to Know About Osteoporosis

    Experts estimate that osteoporosis affects 200 million people all around the world. To put these numbers into perspective, the International Osteoporosis Foundation speculates that about a third of women and a fifth of men over the age of 50 will develop this condition at some [...]

  • Preventing Osteoporosis — 6 Tips and Lifestyle Tricks

    Many know that osteoporosis is a serious medical condition characterized by bone loss and low bone density that is common among older adults. What many people don't know is that there are many ways to help prevent osteoporosis, or at least minimize its severity. That's [...]

  • Woman with Headache

    Understanding the Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease: Differentiating Between Normal Aging and a Cause for Concern

    Witnessing changes in cognitive function, especially those occurring in the early stages, can be a source of anxiety and uncertainty. It is a common experience for older individuals to grapple with minor forgetfulness or occasional confusion, often dismissed as ordinary age-related changes. However, it's essential [...]

  • Joyful adult daughter greeting happy surprised senior mother in garden

    What Mental Health Services Are Available to Seniors?

    The National Council on Aging (NCOA) estimates that one in four older people experience mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and dementia. What’s even more problematic is that 66 percent don’t get the treatment they need. At St. Andrew’s, we care about the well-being of [...]

  • Alzheimer’s Prevention: FAQ and Tips

    In the journey toward Alzheimer's prevention, adopting a holistic approach that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being is your most effective strategy. Before we get started, let us first answer the most basic questions you have about Alzheimer’s prevention: Can Alzheimer's disease be completely prevented? [...]

  • heerful senior mother and adult daughter using smartphone together

    Senior Living Terms Defined

    As the nature of senior living communities has evolved in recent years, so has the language! St. Andrew’s has created this guide to share some common senior living terminology that you may use—and what terms we think should be avoided. Contact us if you have [...]

  • Elder Fraud Abuse & Scams 101 — Spot Elderly Financial Abuse

    According to one FBI report, nearly 100,000 older adults in the United States were victims of fraud in 2021, with total fraud losses reaching $1,685,017,829 (yes, that's over $1 billion). That means that the average loss for each senior was tens of thousands of dollars. [...]

  • Vitamins For Senior Health

    As people age, their nutritional needs may change, and certain vitamins become especially important for promoting overall health and well-being. First, it’s important to discuss WHY some older adults should take multivitamin supplements. Benefits of Supplements Easy to take: Consuming a [...]

  • Man in Green Parka Jacket Covering His Face With His Hand Eating an Apple; represents the concept of healthy nutrition for diabetes diet for older adults

    Nutrition for Diabetes in Seniors — Type 1, Type 2 & Prediabetes

    Millions of people in the United States live with diabetes or prediabetes, including millions of older adults, making diabetes a major health concern for seniors or people with aging relatives. One of—if not the—most crucial aspects of diabetes management is a healthy diet. Here's how [...]

  • Symptoms of Dementia (And How Caregivers Can Manage Symptoms)

    Caring for a loved one with dementia brings fresh challenges. They may start to feel like a different person than the one you grew up with due to the many symptoms associated with the different types of dementia, such as vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, dementia [...]

  • Best Foods for Your Heart and Arteries—Here’s What the Science Says

    There are some risk factors for heart disease that we don't have control over, like genetics. But having a family history of this condition doesn't mean you're destined to develop heart problems. One of the single-most important risk factors for heart disease is a healthy [...]

  • Physical Activities for Seniors

    Regular physical activity as you age offers numerous significant health benefits. It enables you to maintain independence for longer and enhances your well-being and enjoyment of daily activities. According to the CDC, adults aged 65 and older need: At least 150 minutes a week (for [...]